Community Building Through Sponsorship

An example of good sponsorship is most apparent in the way that a pilgrim
is led by his/her sponsor to approach the Fourth Day…as they are encouraged to participate in the Gatherings, reunion groups. perhaps even to serve on a Walk and become a sponsor.  The Fourth Day activities of new members help to build the Community and help to ensure success in future Walks.
“Success” on the Walk to Emmaus begins and ends with appropriate sponsorship.  Though team selection, training and community participation are essential components of a Walk To Emmaus weekend, they have meaning only as they relate to the experience of the pilgrims.

The sponsorship process begins when a sponsor prayerfully asks God to lay on his/her heart the name of someone who might be interested in attending, then thoughtfully talks with that person to explain the Walk To Emmaus and answer questions. Potential pilgrims should be encouraged, but not feel forced, to consider attending the Walk.  Once they have said, “Yes” to the experience, sponsors stay in close touch as they walk with them through the process of application submission and making plans for themselves and their families for the Walk weekend.

The weekend is a benchmark, a point on the timeline of our Christian walks. What makes Emmaus different from most “retreats” is that it keeps on going. It designs a pathway for us to follow to become more Christ-like, and to encourage us on the journey.

Sponsorship does not end, but continues when a sponsor passes on to his/her pilgrim the baton of giving the gift of Emmaus.  It is never too early to begin to pray for God to nudge us towards potential pilgrims,  and to begin to plant seeds of interest in their hearts and minds.

De Colores.                                                                          Flo Douglas, Lay Director, Walk #14

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