Prayer Vigil

If you have already attended a Walk to Emmaus then you already know, and if you haven’t been you will learn how much this weekend is bathed in prayer.  Everyone involved depends on your prayers and one of the easiest ways you can be part of the weekend is to pray for someone in particular or simply pray for our entire community.  You can click on the links below and sign up for a 30 minute time slot to pray for each walk listed.  We need you and we greatly appreciate all of your thoughts and prayers.  No prayer goes unheard.

Prayer Vigil Coordinator: Jan Mullis & Michael Hardester

Prayer Vigil Coordinator E-Mail: &

Thank you so much for your time in prayer for the Pilgrims on this walk!  De Colores!

CLICK HERE to sign up for the Men’s Walk #30 Prayer Vigil

CLICK HERE to sign up for the Women’s Walk #31 Prayer Vigil

What to Pray For:

The Prayer Vigil

Through this Vigil, our Community provides prayer support for the whole Walk, the Pilgrims, and the Team. The Prayer Vigil Board is set out on Friday afternoon of the Walk as a real and tangible sign to the Pilgrims of the loving support of many on their behalf, especially when they recognize the names of persons who have pledged to interrupt their schedules or get up at various hours of the night to pray for them.

Consider praying hymns, praise songs, and Scripture. Think about your own Walk and pray in the order of what happens on the Walk; ex., if you are praying on Thursday at 7 p.m., pray for the Team to welcome the Pilgrims in the hospitality of Jesus Christ, then continue thinking through the Weekend as you pray; if you are praying on Saturday afternoon, you might pray for the Pilgrims to see Jesus clearly at the dinner and Candlelight. The Team welcomes your prayers for

Holy Spirit power and for strength and endurance in service. Your purple Worship Booklet has many good prayers and Biblical prayer references, so use it!

The following list can provide help and suggestions that may be used as a guideline if you so choose.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful and kindle in us the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and we shall be created. And you shall renew the face of the earth. O God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy Your consolations. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

ADORATION: Acknowledging God for His character and attributes. Praise God for His grace and love that is extended to all people. Ephesians 2:8-9, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it

is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.”

  1. Praise God that his grace is being extended to the Pilgrims and the Team.
  2. Praise God that His love knows no limits.
  3. Praise God that He is love and Creator of love.
  4. Praise God that love was the ultimate sacrifice of suffering at the cross.

Pray hymns, such as Amazing Grace, Grace That is Greater Than all our Sin, and The Love of God.

CONFESSION: Agreeing with God concerning sin. Mark 11:25, “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him and let it drop-leave it go-in order that your Father who is in heaven may also

forgive your own failings and shortcomings and let them drop.”

  1. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any hidden hurts, resentments, bitterness, rebellion, or attitudes that will block the flow of the Holy Spirit in your life and in the lives of the Pilgrims and Team. Confess your own to Jesus and ask the Lord to restore newness and freshness in your own heart, mind, body, and soul, as well as in those of the Pilgrims and Team.
  2. Ask for a spirit of humility and servant attitude for yourself as a prayer warrior, for the Sponsors, and for the Team.

THANKSGIVING: Thanking God for what He has is doing and has done.

Philippines 4:6, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.”

  1. Thank God for grace in forgiveness.
  2. Thank God for grace exhibited on the Emmaus weekend.
  3. Thank God for the Holy spirit that is at work in the lives of the Pilgrims.
  4. Thank God for the order of the talks, the speakers, and the progression in bringing the pilgrims closer to Christ.
  5.  Thank God for the team members and their sacrifice for the weekend.
  6. Thank God for the prayer vigil members and their willingness to be used by God.
  7. Thank God for the Emmaus Community, sponsors, and 4th day Reunion groups providing Agape gifts.
  8. Thank God for the Spiritual Directors and the grace of the Holy Spirit in them.
  9. Thank God for (your personal or specific area of thanksgiving or other things related to the weekend.)

INTERCESSION: Focusing on others.

  1. 1st Peter 3:18, that the Pilgrims will “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
  2. 1st John 4:8, that the Pilgrims will “love one another in the love of God and will know that God is love.”
  3. Matthew 10:38, that the Pilgrims will take up their cross and follow Christ
  4. Luke 24: 31-32, that the “eyes of the Pilgrims will be opened and their hearts burn in the reading of the Scriptures,” listening to the talks, sharing in prayer and fellowship around the tables, receiving agape, and during communion.
  5. James 1:22, that the Pilgrims will become “doers of the Word and not hearers only.”
  6. Galatians 6:8-10, that the Pilgrims will “sow to the Spirit, reap a harvest of everlasting life, and not grow weary in well doing.” Also, that the Pilgrims will “do good to all, especially in the Body of Christ.”
  7. Romans 1:16, that the Pilgrims “will not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ, but proclaim the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes” and with whom they associate.
  8. Pray for each Pilgrim individually as the Holy Spirit directs.
  9. Pray for other prayer needs for the team members and/or other aspects of the Weekend.
  10. Pray that all that would be said and done will glorify the Lord.

2 thoughts on “Prayer Vigil

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    1. I’m sorry, Heather, that I didn’t get back to you regarding the Candlelight of April 9th. Actually, I was serving in the Conference room of that Walk, and I just saw your message. I hope you were able to get the information you needed in time to get to Candlelight. It was beautiful!
      Sheryl Causey

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